Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding

February 09, 2024

Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding

Recipe source:

Author: Yumna Jawad

1 cup coconut milk

¼ cup chia seeds

¼ cup cacao powder 

2 tablespoons maple syrup or preferred sweetener

1 tsp vanilla  extract 


  • Vigorously whisk the milk, chia seeds, cocoa powder, maple syrup and vanilla extract in a medium bowl or storage container, being careful to incorporate any cocoa powder sticking to the sides and bottom.
  • Cover the chia pudding and refrigerate until thick and creamy, at least 4 hours, or preferably overnight.
  • Give it a good stir and divide into two servings. Enjoy with fresh coconut whip cream and berries, if desired.


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