Sunday Roast

October 01, 2021

Sunday Roast

One of our favorite fall and winter traditions to plan Sunday dinners( any day works but the idea is to make time to enjoy a leisurely dinner with loved ones). One idea for this dinner is to prepare a simple roast accompanied with a variety of sides- see our epicure for our Autumn stuffing and Roasted Vegetables 

- 1 large trimmed pork roast( substitute any meat or poultry)- Season with kosher salt, and dried herbs of your choice.  There are many ready made choices or you can make your own rub. We like a combo of dried rosemary, thyme, salt, garlic powder and ground black pepper- but vary as desired.

Place seasoned roast on rack in a large roasting pan and cook according to roasting guidelines per weight and type of meat. For pork roast: 350F until internal temperature is between 145-160F, about 20-25 minutes per pound.  Let roast rest once done, cover for about 30 minutes before cutting then serve immediately.

Serve with our Autumn Roasted Vegetables * link to recipe here*